Sunday, February 24, 2008

Danielle's New Haircut

Danielle's New Haircut, originally uploaded by carlcmc.

Becky took Danielle to have her hair cut this week. Here she displays her new 'do'.

Taken with a Nikon D80.

* Exposure: 0.004 sec (1/250) [+]
* Aperture: f/2.8 [+]
* Focal Length: 85 mm [+]
* ISO Speed: 100 [+]

Strobist info: SB-800 at M 1/1 into 43' wescott umbrella with black backing removed and used as shoot-through. Umbrella positioned camera right at around 4:30 location. Danielle is faced into the umbrella, pointed at its edge closet the camera. SB-600 on tripod camera left and parallel with her. Pointed away and against white wall with wide angle clip down (14mm setting) shot at M 1/2 into wall to reflect back and light hair. Both SB units triggered via Nikon CLS/AWS via popup commander mode.

Processing. Initial levels, cropping and contrast in Adobe Lightroom. Then I made two versions. One with hair exposed correctly, one with it not. I processed both in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with the dark one as a layer on top. I layer masked and erased the dark hair to show the lighter version underneath. Skin corrections, black point correction, some overall levels, and other editing done in Photoshop.

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