Sunday, March 4, 2007

Snowed in driveway

Snowed in driveway, originally uploaded by carlcmc.

The driveway is to the left. Becky couldn't make it up the driveway with the van earlier in the week because an 1/8" ice layer was on top of the gravel and then the snow was on top of that. I had to help push her up the driveway. Friday morning while it was still snowing, I left for work around 6 am. In four wheel drive, I had to spin my tires some going DOWN the driveway to get out. :-) Fortunately, when I got home, Becky had the mouth of the driveway scooped some. I could get turned in and keep my momentum going as I went up the drive. This last batch of snow got us around 12". The first batch a week ago dumped in the 12-16" range across Minnesota.

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